Already on Medicare

Schedule a One-on-One Medicare Training

Every consultation is preceded by a Medicare 101 Training to make sure all the basic building blocks are there for higher learning. Just like a block tower isn’t built from the top down, we make sure a firm understanding of basic Medicare is achieved before building up. The more you know the more power you have to make life saving and money saving choices for your health insurance.

Medicare Plan Comparison/Evaluation

Clark County offers over 100 different combinations of Medicare HMO, PPO, Drug Plans, and Supplement options for Medicare recipients. Not all plans stay the same from year to year, we recommend meeting with a Medicare Specialist you trust at least once a year to make sure your coverage is up to date.

Medicare Part D (Rx) Review

With a single Doctor’s visit, medications can change from generic and free, to name brand and unaffordable. Each plan here in Las Vegas has a different “Drug Formulary”. The drug formulary and choice of Rx providers you use can be as important a choice as the health coverage you choose.

Extra Benefits

Many Medicare Advantage plans offer extra benefits such as dental, vision, hearing, gym memberships, smart fitness watches, over-the-counter benefits, flex benefits and Medicare Part B reduction benefits. Benefits change on a yearly basis, and like the rest of your coverage need to be reviewed on an annual basis.

Schedule a One-on-One Medicare Training

Every consultation is preceded by a Medicare 101 Training to make sure all the basic building blocks are there for higher learning. Just like a block tower isn’t built from the top down, we make sure a firm understanding of basic Medicare is achieved before building up. The more you know the more power you have to make life saving and money saving choices for your health insurance.

Medicare Plan Comparison/Evaluation

Clark County offers over 100 different combinations of Medicare HMO, PPO, and Supplement options for Medicare recipients. Not all plans stay the same from year to year, we recommend meeting with a Medicare Specialist at least once a year to make sure your coverage is up to date.

Medicare Part D (Rx) Review

With a single Doctor’s visit, medications can change from generic and free, to name brand and unaffordable. Each plan here in Las Vegas has a different “Drug Formulary”. The drug formulary and choice of Rx providers you use can be as important a choice as the health coverage you choose.

Extra Benefits

Many Medicare subsidized insurance plans offer extra benefits such as dental, vision, hearing, gym memberships, smart fitness watches, over-the-counter benefits, and Medicare Part B reduction benefits.